Administrative Staff

Amanda Mitchell
Mandy has been the Executive Director of the Children's Home since 2016. She also serves as the Social Worker, supervising the child care program. She has been working at the Home since August, 2011. Prior to coming to the Children’s Home, Mandy worked with the Ohio and Mississippi Departments of Human Services as a Social Worker. She can be reached at the following email address:

Gina Lambert
Gina is the Children’s Home’s Administrative Assistant. She has been here since August, 1980. In addition to her skills as administrative assistant, Gina serves as the on-site historian. You can reach her at the following email address:

Katrina Norris
Katrina is our bookkeeper. Over the 20 years she has been here, Katrina has kept up with lots and lots of numbers. She helps pay the bills and keep up with all of our contracts. You can reach her at

Danny Williams
Danny is responsible for communications and development for the Home. He worked as an Associate Director at the Home for over six years before assuming a position with Alabama FWB's. In his role as Director of State Ministries he also serves on our Board of Directors. He can be reached at the following email address:
Child Care Staff

Judy McKinney
Judy is our senior house parent, not in age, but in longevity. She has been working with our kids for more than 30 years and has ministered to hundreds. Over Judy's tenure at the Home she has worked with both boys and girls in every age group. Currently she is the houseparent for younger boys. You can contact her at

Dick & Barb Williams
Dick and Barb Williams currently serve in the capacity of our Hospitality Coordinators, welcoming guests on campus, representing the Home at events, assisting the houseparents, and filling in as relief houseparents when needed. They do a little bit of everything! Prior to their current position Dick and Barb were houseparents for over 15 years. They are a great asset to our organization. They can be reached at either or
How long have you been with the Children’s Home?
B: It will be 13 years in June.
What made you decide to become houseparents?
D: We had intended to be missionaries in Brazil, but the Lord never opened that door. But in 2005, after I had resigning from my school and while Barb was finishing up her teaching contract, we were contacted and asked if we wanted to come serve here.
B: We had talked about it and decided that if we could have boys and if we could continue using our teaching skills, we would seriously consider it. And when we interviewed, we were told that they wanted us for the little boys’ house and to be the campus tutors. So it was the Lord lining things up the way that He wanted them to be.
What has been the most challenging part of being a houseparent?
D: For me, personally, it has been dealing with the anger. Trying to keep my own out of situations and not taking some of [the boys’] behavior personally. I’ve had to grow in my understanding of why some of those behaviors happen and how to help them learn how to deal with it in a better way.
B: What challenges me the most is building trust with these kid—because some of them haven’t really had it before and don’t know what it looks like.
What has been the most rewarding part?
B: When you see someone come to Christ and just flourish; watching their attitudes, their outlooks, and their actions change when they find that peace that we can only find in Christ.
D: Watching that transformation in a child when they come to understand that their past doesn’t have to be their future and that God can work in them, no matter what.
What’s the one thing you want people to know about your work at the Children’s Home?
D: We want people to understand that we’re serving spiritual needs as well as physical needs. It’s not enough to just physically care for a child but we want them to come to an acceptance of God’s plan in their lives.
B: That we’ve enjoyed the time here and we feel like the Lord is still using us to continue helping these kids and any other children that come to us.
What is your hope for the future?
D: We just want everyone to continue praying for physical health—of our staff and our kids—and to pray for victory in our spiritual battles as well.

Curtis & Ellen Crumpton
Curtis has been taking care of our maintenance issues around the home since January 2012, while Ellen serves as the cook for the campus. They have also been house parents for one of the girls' cottages. They are dedicated and are deeply appreciated. They can be reached at

Howard & Kellie McNeal
The McNeals joined us in March 2014. They bring over 30 years of experience working with children and youth in camps, schools, and ministries. In addition to two adult sons, they have opened their home to other young people in need. They can be contacted at or
How long have you been houseparents?
K: We’ve been houseparents for a total of 6 years; 1 year at another Home and 5 here in Alabama.
What is the most challenging part of being here?
H: That there’s no real time off—we are true parents to these kids in the sense that, even when we’re off, we’re worrying about them and thinking about them and missing them.
What is the most rewarding part of being here?
K: Seeing kids change—being able to watch them mature and grow into healthy, responsible adults. It’s a really wonderful thing when you get a phone call years later from a kid saying “thank you” and telling you what an impact you had in their life.
What do you wish people knew about the Children’s Home?
K: I want people to know that we are the traditional “group home”; our homes are homes and we are living as much like a normal family as possible.
H: That we are trying to train and teach kids in all aspects of their lives. We’re not just here to feed and shelter kids in need, we’re trying to make well rounded individuals; which is why we want them involved in sports and extra-curricular activities that other kids get to do.
What do you wish for the future of the Children’s Home?
K: I would like to see us be able to offer more assistance to parents and families so that kids--and their families --an be successful in the future.
H: I want to see us expand and help as many kids as possible because in order to make a difference in the world you have to start with the kids.

Lynn Davis
Lynn rejoined our staff in January 2015. She has served as a house parent for teen girls for over 20 years. She has invested in the lives of many girls and is an asset to the Home. She can be contacted at

James and Brittany Webb
James and Brittany Webb joined our staff in November 2017 as new houseparents, ministering to our younger girls on campus. They are from this area and serve as Youth Leaders at the Winfield Free Will Baptist Church. They say they have felt the Lord leading them into full-time ministry for the last several years and both left public jobs to join us at the Home. They have three children-Gracious, Jameson, and Adileigh. You can reach the Webbs at
How long have you been houseparents?
B: About a year and a half.
What made you want to do this?
J: Well, it really was God putting us in the right place at the right time in answer to several of our prayers. We had a desire to serve and wanted to expand our family but we didn’t know how all of that would fit together; so, we were praying that God would open doors and make things possible if that was what He wanted for us. And then we were asked to come here and it felt like God was answering our prayers all in one move.
What has been the most challenging part of this job?
B: Letting go—because when kids come here, you build a bond with them, you watch them improve and see them become these amazing people who have matured and grown and then you send them home. It’s like letting go of one of your own.
J: The wondering of what will happen next and if I have given them the tools to make it on their own, both spiritually and physically.
What has been the most rewarding?
B: Seeing the kids grow and become these beautiful, amazing people—seeing them grow spiritually and become more self-confident in their ability to face the world.
What do you wish people knew about the Children’s Home?
B: That we’re a home just like anyone else’s.
J: We just have bigger meals and more laundry.
What do you want for the future of the Home?
J: I would like to see the Home grow and have more houses—I want us to be able to touch as many lives as we can because the need is great and there aren’t enough good homes out there.
“People always tell us that we are a blessing; I always say, ‘no, we’re the ones being blessed by these kids.’” - Brittany
“These kids bring joy and purpose to our lives. Even on a bad day, it’s a good day.” – James

Erica Zavaleta
Erica was hired as relief houseparent in June 2022. Erica and her husband Ruben come to us from Durham, NC. They have four children and one granddaughter. They have a heart for young people which is evident during the time they have been on our campus. Erica can be contacted at

Ralinda Aspey
Ralinda is licensed counselor who has many years experience as an outpatient child and adolescent therapist. She serves as the primary therapist for any of our residents who can benefit from counseling. Ralinda is also available to provide counseling to children and families in the community. Ralinda can be contacted at