What exactly does the Children’s Home do?
- We are a basic level home for children who, for numerous reasons, are not able to live with their family. -Basic means that the child does not have serious issues that would require institutional type supervision (for example-aggression, sexual acting out, psychotic issues, cruelty to animals, fire setting, etc.).
- Many of the children in our care have already been placed with other relatives and family friends because their parents could not take care of them. In most cases drugs are a major problem.
- One of our goals is to make each child’s experience as much like living in a “normal” home as possible. The children go to public school, attend church, are able to participate in extracurricular events, church camp, and vacations with their houseparents. Children also have expectations of good behavior, respect for others, and the responsibility of chores.
How much does it cost to place a child at the Home?
- There is no charge for a child to live at the Home.
Where do our kids come from?
- We accept private referrals from any family that needs assistance.
- Most of our children come from very chaotic home environments.
- In the last few years we have begun accepting children in DHR custody.
- We can take out-of-state referrals.
What do I do if I want to discuss placing a child at the Home?
- It’s simple, just call or email Mandy Mitchell at 205-924-9751 or Amanda@fwbhome.org
What ages of children do you accept?
- Age 6-17
How long do the children stay?
- Average stay is about 18 months. As long as the child is doing well they are welcome to stay for as long as they need to. Some have stayed for over 10 years.
Are the children eligible for adoption?
- No they are not.
Can I sponsor a child to go home with me to visit during the summers or at holidays?
- No, due to liability reasons.
What happens to the children after they leave the Home?
- Some of the children are able to be reunited with their families.
- If a child graduates, there is the option of our Bridge Program. The Bridge Program holds 3 apartments where former residents can go to live after they graduate if they would like to have the support of the Home but also begin having independence. Residents of the Bridge program are required to have a job.
What can you do?
- Pray for the Home, our children, and staff. Prayer is the most important thing you can do for us!
- Financial: would you consider donating to the Home? Either a one-time gift or monthly. Credit card donations can be made through Paypal on our website.
- Estate Planning: Would you consider donating to the Home as part of your end-of-life planning? This is a way for your family to be a part of what the Lord is doing at the Children’s Home for years to come.
- Would you like to visit the Home for a tour or to complete a ministry project?