“Taking the child in His arms, He said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.’” – Mark 9:36-37
To donate using your PayPal account or credit card, just click on the PayPal DONATE button. You can also choose to give a monthly gift by choosing from one of the options listed and clicking the SUBSCRIBE button.

One-Time Donation
Monthly Donation
What every child needs is a loving home – a place of safety, free of fear and sorrow.
Unfortunately, not every child gets that chance. In our society, kids get left behind – whether it’s because of violence, drugs, abuse, or any other tragic circumstance. Often, these victims have no safe haven – no loving home to take them in and provide the nurturing and support they need to bloom and prosper.
Looking after these little ones was one of Christ’s most compelling commands. The Lord said, “So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.”
At Free Will Baptist Children’s Home, we take that command to heart and strive to care for these children as Christ cares for us – to provide a safe haven for troubled children aged 6-18 who have no other options.
But we can’t do it alone. We need your help – your love and your financial support. Your donations provide sustenance not just for this home and its mission, but for the children whom we serve.
Help us by contributing what you can to our home and the children who live here. Donate today and give a child a place of love, shelter, and hope.
How Your Donations Help the Home
There are many needs we have at the home - needs you can help meet with your kind donation.
Every dollar you give is vital. And every cent you donate is put to good use.
Each dollar you give is broken down as follows:
- $0.25 goes to administrative costs, including insurance and staff training.
- $0.25 goes to maintenance and upkeep of our buildings, grounds, and vehicles. This also helps cover our utility bills.
- $0.40 goes to helping care for our residents, including educational and extracurricular costs, personal care, outings, and clothing.
- $0.10 goes to food. We are able to keep our food budget lower due to donations and bargain shopping.
Every dollar you give goes to support the youngest citizens of God's kingdom: His children.
The bottom line is this: We cannot exist without your help. Support us and our children and help fulfill God's command to love one another and care for the least of these.

One-Time Donation
Monthly Donation
Buy A Shirt
The Children’s Home now has t-shirts! Would you like to help promote our Home by getting one? With a donation of $10, we will ship you a t-shirt; for $5, local supporters can stop by and get theirs in person. Donate by going to fwbhome.org, and then enter your preferred size and shirt color plus your address in the note section. You can also send your donation by mail to PO Box 8, Eldridge, AL 35555. For this first order, we have sizes adult S-3XL. If we don’t have your size, let us know and we will get it on the next order. All of our shirts are made with soft spun cotton. Thanks in advance for your help and support!

Donate Through Amazon
Another way you can support the Home is by shopping our Amazon Custom Gift List. You can follow the link https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/PDDNQP33K3VJ and have any items you wish to donate shipped directly to the Home.
It Doesn’t Matter What You Give – Only That You Give. Please Support Our Home.
Alabama Free Will Baptist Children’s Home is a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 63-0334305