All family holidays can be challenging for children living separately from their parents, and parental holidays (Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) are no exception. Residents at our Home often struggle with parental holiday difficulties, especially in their first year. Let’s delve into the nature … [Read more...]
Characteristics Successful Foster and Adoptive Families Have in Common
The Children’s Home has several houses where our house families reside. Each house family consists of one or two house parents and children of the same gender and close in age. This structure gives each resident a sense of family, which some have never had the privilege to experience. We take in … [Read more...]
Realistic Expectations for New Adoptive Parents: An Overview
When you and your spouse or partner begin your journey to becoming adoptive parents, you likely imagine the great memories and bonding moments you’ll share. Although there’s nothing wrong with an optimistic point of view, it’s unwise to try and only look through rose-colored … [Read more...]